When you borrow money, it’s important to know who you are borrowing from. You don’t to take someone’s money if you don’t know where it comes from, do you? For security reasons, and for peace of mind, your safest option is to work with a direct lender.

Why waste the extra time and money for a “middle man” or a loan broker. This is putting an extra link in a chain that YOU need to be as short as possible.

With a direct lender, there are only two links in that chain: the direct lender, and you.

What is a Direct Lender?

Direct loans come from small independently-owned businesses, the backbone of this country. Instead of taking funding from multi-national corporations like banks, these lenders are self-funded, and loan their money directly to you.

Many people assume that ALL loans are direct loans, but this is not the case. In fact, many online companies that portend to be direct lenders are simply loan brokers. They collect your information by getting you to fill out an application, and then they sell that application to one, or several, other companies.

Direct lenders, on the other hand, process your application in house. When you receive approval, the funds are placed directly into your bank account. Everything stays between the lender and the borrower.

Getting Started

National Nation Loans is an independent, direct tribal lender that specializes in installment loans of a few hundred dollars. NSL strives to make small dollar loans available to everyone, and designed an online application that removes the need for faxing documents or making an office visit.

Direct lenders offers the borrower a higher level of control. Before getting a loan contract, borrowers are given a complete repayment schedule. There is never any concern about changing interest rates, or payment due dates, because all the information is given to you before you receive the funds.

Submit an application here, it only takes a few minutes, and your approval status will be emailed to you in minutes.

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